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Author : Christina Baldwin
Genre : Inspirational, Nonfiction
In her beautifully written book, The Seven Whispers, Christina Baldwin, encourages us to listen to the inner voice of spirit that originates from each of our own souls.
The seven practices she introduces can help individuals ground themselves during these times of upheaval and uncertainty: 1. Maintain peace of mind, 2. Move at the pace of guidance, 3. Practice certainty with purpose, 4. Surrender to surprise, 5. Ask for what you need and offer what you can, 6. Love the folks in front of you, and 7. Return to the world.
“We have in ourselves some mysterious ability, in ordinary moments and moments of extreme difficulty, to speak with the voice of God. Peace of mind is where all spiritual direction starts, and to keep finding our way, we need to keep returning to a calm mind and a peaceful, open heart. Unfortunately, our minds are not trained for stillness. Peace of mind is a spiritual state waiting for us to find it. And in times like these the world needs you and me, ordinary people, to undertake this journey, to learn to step outside the ego self and find our spiritual self.”
“Speed is some guy running through the airport shouting into a cell phone. Pace is going around the block with a three-year old and noticing everything the child is noticing. When we most at pace, we have time to question and time to listen for answers before moving on. Speed tends to cancel our guidance. The pace of guidance, like peace of mind, begins internally. This whisper combines two instructions: One, to rehumanize our speed of life, and two, to use this slower pace to actively listen for spiritual guidance.”
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