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Author : W. Timothy Gallwey
Genre : Self-Help
My son suggested this book a few years ago, and reading it transformed and improved my racquetball game. Every time I play, I’m reminded of what I learned. This little book was first published thirty years ago, and has become a guide for hundreds of thousands of people. Not just for tennis players, or even just for athletes in general, this handbook works for anybody who wants to improve his or her mental performance in any activity. The author, a leading innovator in sports psychology, reveals how to: focus your mind, find the state of ‘relaxed concentration’ that allows you to play at your best, and build skills by smart practice.
“The inner game of tennis takes place in the mind of the player, and it is played against such obstacles as lapses in concentration, nervousness, self-doubt, and self-condemnation. The player of the inner game comes to value the art of relaxed concentration. He learns that the secret to winning life in not trying too hard. The player of the inner game uncovers a will to win which unlocks all his energy and which is never discouraged by losing. This is a far more natural and effective process that uses the intuitive capabilities of the mind and both right and left hemispheres of the brain. The mind becomes so concentrated, so focused, that it is still. It becomes one with what the body is doing.”
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