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Author : Ken Robinson
Genre : Inspirational
I so enjoy a book that explores the relationship between imagination and creativity—two of my most favorite words. Out of Our Minds explores creativity: its value in business, its constance in children, its perceived absence in many adults and the phenomenon through which it disappears ― and offers a unique approach for getting it back. Author Sir Ken Robinson is an internationally recognised authority on creativity, and his TED talk on the subject is the most watched video in TED’s history. In this book, Sir Ken argues that organisations everywhere are struggling to fix a problem that originates in schools and universities. Organisations everywhere are competing in a world that changes in the blink of an eye – they need people who are flexible enough to adapt, and creative enough to find novel solutions to problems old and new.
“There are three related ideas: imagination, which is the process of bringing to mind things that are not present to our senses; creativity, which is the process of development original ideas that have value, and innovation, which is the process of putting new ideas into practice. Being creative involves doing something—putting your imagination to work. In a sense, creativity is applied imagination.Creativity is a process more often than it is an event.”
“Imagination is the power to see beyond the present moment and our immediate environment. Imagination is the source of our creativity, but imagination and creativity are not the same thing. Imagination is the ability to bring to mind things that are not present to our senses. We can imagine things that exist or things that do not exist at all. If I ask you to think of an elephant, your old school, or your best friend you can bring to mind mental images that are drawn from real experience. We wouldn’t normally think of mental images of real experiences as imaginative. More accurately, they are imaginal.”
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