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Good Hope Road

Author : Lisa Wingate

Genre : Fiction

Lisa Wingate has become one of my favorite fiction writers. Her books are easy reads, and her stories bring you right into the events of the people’s lives she is writing about. On the afternoon of July 29, Jenilee Lane and her neighbor, Eudora Gibson, and the entire town of Poetry, Missouri are caught in the path of a tornado. In the ensuing hours and days, these two neighbors, who haven’t ever spoken to each other, find new common ground and room for forgiveness amid the tragedy that destroyed random homes on Good Hope Road and flattened the nearby town. They learn that when everything’s gone, little things matter a lot. Here are a few of my favorite phrases:
– “She folded her hands, sticking her nose my way like a weasel sniffing’ at the chicken house door.”
– “Mazelle Sibley spread misery like cake frosting.”
– “I stood uncertainly by, old feelings dripping over me like thick black ink.”
– “Old resentmnents crept to the surface like sludge rising from the river bottom.”
– “Silence lay over us like a thick, musty old blanket.”
– “His daddy will be hotter than popcorn in a fire.”
– “I watched all the hard edges of him chip away like dried mud flaking off a calf’s hide.”

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