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Author : Immanuel Velikovsky
Genre : Nonfiction
I have been interested in the rock science of the earth for several years. When I mentioned this to a friend, he suggested I read Immanuel Velikovsky’s book. Earth in Upheaval is a very exactly investigated and easily understandable yet dense book – and contains material that completely revolutionizes our view of the history of the earth. For all those who have ever wondered about the evolution of the earth, the formation of mountains and oceans, the origin of coal or fossils, the question of the ice ages and the history of animal and plant species, Earth in Upheaval is a reliable resource. The author felt that the immediate testimony of the rocks must be presented along with the historical evidence.
The pages of this book are transcripts of the rocks. They testify by their own appearance and by the encased contents of dead bodies, fossilized skeletons. Myriads upon myriads of living creatures came to life on this ball of rock suspended in nothing, and returned to dust. Many died a natural death, many were killed in wars between races and species, and many were entombed alive during great paroxysms of nature in which land and sea contested in destruction. Whole tribes of fish that had filled the oceans suddenly ceased to exist, of entire species and even genera of land animals not a single survivor was left.
“Many forms of life, many species and genera of animals that lived on this planet in a recent geological period, in the age of man, have utterly disappeared without leaving a single survivor. Mammals walked in fields and forests, propagated and multiplied, and then without a sign of degeneration vanished. Animals, strong and vigorous, suddenly died out without leaving a survivor. The end came, not in the course of the struggle for existence—with the survival of the fittest. Fit and unfit, and mostly fit, old and young, with sharp teeth, with strong muscles, with fleet legs, with plenty of good around, all perished.”
“Darwin’s thesis of the origin of species by natural selection was supported by reference to the anatomical similarity of many related species, and the geological record. However, though breeders have created new races or variations, they have created no new animal species. And there are blank intervals of vast duration, as far as the fossils are concerned. The abrupt manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several paleontologists as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. What is shown, though, is that the annihilation of many individuals and of entire species with no sign of degeneration suddenly came to their end in paroxysms of nature.”
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