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Author : Leonard Sax
Genre : Nonfiction
Leonard Sax’s book, Boys Adrift is an excellent resource for any parent of boys in the 21st century. Something is happening to boys today. From kindergarten to college, American boys are, on average, less resilient and less ambitious than they were a mere twenty years ago.
Dr. Sax explores the scientific literature and explains these five key factors that harm boys:
• surprising and hurtful current teaching methods,
• the misdiagnosing of ADHD medications (and which are not addictive),
• the addictive nature and impact of video games,
• the harmful environmental toxins we are unaware of, and
• the devaluation of masculinity.
Then he also presents practical solutions and strategies for both parents and educators.
“In English, the verb to know can have two very different meanings. Consider these two sentences: I know Sarah. I know pediatrics. We use the same word, know. As a result, English speakers may not fully appreciate just how different these two meanings are. My knowledge if my daughter, Sarah, is experiential. I know that she likes to jump in the saves at the beach, but doesn’t like roller coasters. I know that she likes broccoli and red beets, but she doesn’t like peach pie.
“Most European languages use two different words for these two kinds of knowledge. In German, knowledge about a person or place that you’ve actually experiences is Kenntnis, to know by experience; knowledge learned from books is Wissenschaft, to know something. Kids need to experience the real world. For boys in particular, emphasizing Wissenschaft while ignoring Kenntnis may seriously impair development—not cognitive development, but the development of a lively and passionate curiosity.”
“The stimulant medications prescribed for ADHD boys appear to exert their harmful effects by damaging an area in the developing brain called the nucleus accumbens, mimicking the action of dopamine. These medications may actually shrink the nucleus accumbens. The smaller the nucleus accumbens, the more likely a person is to be apathetic, lacking in drive. I recommend that if a parent is convinced that a child needs a medication for ADHA then I often suggest a non stimulant such as Wellburtin, Intuniv, or Strattera.”
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